As I think about the past year, there are a couple of areas of volunteer service that I would like to bring to your attention. We have been able to maintain regular open hours, six days each week at the library for more than a year-and-a-half because of the dedicated service of our year-round and seasonal volunteers who man the reception desk, catalog books and shelve them, and who make sure the coffee pot is always on. The library is a welcoming place because of you.
Our Fellow, Kate Webber, will be leaving soon and it goes without saying she will be missed. In order for her to succeed in her placement with the historical society two dedicated volunteer advisors spent many hours working with Kate, guiding her work, and submitting what can seem like endless paperwork for the Island Institute and AmeriCorps to track the fellowship. I offer a special thanks to Bev McAloon and Gwen May, who have served as Kate’s Island advisors during her Fellowship.
Finally, I would like to request that you remember SIES in your giving. All of the good work that our staff and volunteers do is only possible due to the financial support of our community and friends. We cannot continue to run our organization without your financial and volunteer support. Please know that every donation counts, as SIES plans to serve you now and well into the future.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity,
Siobhan Ryan
SIES Board of Trustees