Library Reopening

The library will open to limited days and hours on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday starting Saturday August 1st. This a trail opening, and subject to change. The hours will be from 1:00-4:00. There will be only 5 patrons allowed in the library at a time with a 30 minute limit on each patron. Every patron must wear a mask, if they are uncomfortable with wearing a mask, curbside delivery will still be an option. Hand sanitizer will be required before you enter the building. If a book/dvd is picked up and not checked out, will be put in quarantine for at least 96 hours, so please, only pick up items you feel you want to check out. Children must be accompanied by a parent, and at this time I am asking only for children 10 years and older. As I said, this is subject to change, so please give me some time to see what works for our library. There will be signs around to help with this as we transition into opening the library after 4 months of quarantine.  Also, if these dates and times don’t work for you, I can have reservations made available and meet you there for your own 30 minute block of time. Jeanne