Annual meeting update
There was a great turnout at the Swan’s Island Educational Society (SIES) annual meeting on Monday, August 14th. Besides a report on our activities over the past 12 months, an update on our finances, the main order of business was the election of new trustees. Two trustees retired: John Follis and Michael Joyce. John headed…
2017 SIES Annual Meeting Notice
Annual Meeting Notice Monday August 14, 2017 7 pm Swan’s Island Library All are welcome. Members are encouraged to attend. Two Board seats have been vacated and will be filled at the annual meeting according to a vote by the membership. Organizational updates and financial information will be presented. Members will be…
Island librarian passes away
An island and Maine librarian passed away on February 26, 2017 at the age of 96. Charlotte Hall, librarian, lived on Swan’s Island for several years in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. She came to the island as the wife of Winslow Hall who served as pastor of the Advent Christian Church.
Maps, do you use maps?
Do you use maps? GPS and directional finders in smart phones,tablets, and newer vehicle GPS accessories are probably what most people think about when they need map. Usually a map provides direction concerning where we need or want to go.
New audio and ebook platform coming
Please see the message below for information about a change in our audio and e-book service.
SIES Annual Meeting
All are welcome. Members are encouraged to attend. Two Board seats have been vacated and will be filled at the annual meeting according to a vote by the membership. Organizational updates and financial information will be presented. Members will be notified by email or delivered by USPS for whom we do not have an email…
Maine supports its libraries
The Maine news report linked below reminded me of the overwhelming generosity of people all over the US, including author Katherine Patterson, who shipped boxes and boxes of books to us following our fire. Katherine went so far as to hook up with a traveling book vendor to get books from her private collection in…
As I mentioned in a previous post, islanders are busy, busy, busy year-round. Definitely no less so in December. There are craft fairs, the annual 8th grade auction, school concerts, church and community functions, and more when one adds in gatherings of family and friends. However, I keep thinking about an event held on November…
Halloween treat hosting and book give-away
Fall is catch up time around here as well as starting to plan for next year. But on Halloween night we just take a break to enjoy our community.
It’s fall already….
It really is hard to believe that fall has fully arrived bringing with it a chill in the air and color to the trees. As is usual on Swan’s Island summer – a year-rounders busy season – just flies by while lobstering, landscaping, mowing and cleaning taking up our time. Throw in a little bit…